ASEEES March NewsNet now available

ASEEES NewsNet newsnet at PITT.EDU
Tue Mar 12 20:31:45 UTC 2013

The March 2013 issue of NewsNet is now available here:
It includes articles on:
    "The Crisis of US Funding for Area Studies" by Laura L. Adams (Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard U)
    "Portrait of a Russian Province": Kate Brown (UMBC) interviews Catherine Evtuhov (Georgetown U)
    "A View from the East? Central Eurasian Studies in Japan" by Tsypylma Darieva (U of Tsukuba), Tomohiko Uyama (Hokkaido U), and Timur Dadabaev (U of Tsukuba)

There are also features, including:
    Mention of 2012 Contributors: ASEEES thanks our generous donors
    News from ASEEES Institutional Members and Affiliates
    Personages and Publications
    In Memoriam: Remembering George (Yurii) Krugovoy, Vladimir Fedorovich Markov, and Omry Ronen
    Instructions for submitting nominations for the ASEEES book prizes, student prizes, and distinguished service awards, as well as prizes from two of our affiliates, the ECRSA Marc Raeff Prize and the AWSS Heldt Prizes.
    Instructions for submitting applications for the Davis Graduate Student Travel Grant and the new Regional Scholar Travel Grant.

Mary Arnstein
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