Announcing a New Bachelor's Degree in Russian

Katya Jordan katya.jordan at VT.EDU
Wed Mar 13 12:39:02 UTC 2013

Dear Colleagues,

The Russian Program at Virginia Tech is pleased to announce a new Russian Major.  After years of tireless efforts on the part of the Russian faculty and especially of the Russian Program Director, Prof. Nyusya Milman-Miller, the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures will begin to award a Bachelor's Degree in Russian starting May 2015. 

Currently, the Russian Program has approximately one hundred and forty students enrolled in all four levels of instruction.  It has well-established winter and summer study abroad programs that take students to Moscow, Yaroslavl, and St. Petersburg. Virginia Tech's Russian Program also collaborates with the school's widely recognized ROTC program and offers Project GO (Global Officer) scholarships. 

More information about the program can be found at 

With warm regards,

Katya Jordan
Instructor of Russian / Project GO Assistant Coordinator
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
317 Major Williams Hall
Blacksburg, VA  24061
(540) 231-9859
Katya.Jordan at

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