Contact Info: F.W.Galan

Manu Shetty manu_shetty at HOTMAIL.COM
Tue Mar 19 23:13:54 UTC 2013


I am trying to contact one Frantisek William Galan, a scholar of Slavic Linguistics. He had published a book: Historic Structures: the Prague Linguistic Project, 1928-1946, University of Texas Press, Austin, 1984. In this book he is listed as being at UT Austin. And also an essay in Poetics Today, Vol. 8, No. 3/4 (1987) entitled, Bakhtiniada Part II: The Corsican Brothers in the Prague School, or the Reciprocity of Reception, where his affiliation is listed as Georgia Institute of Technology. 
In the latter essay,on Nikolai Bakhtin, he quotes from Nikolai Bakhtin's unpublished Inaugural lecture as Professor of Linguistics at University of Birmingham in May of 1947. I need to read this lecture, and hence want to contact him to ask him whether he would give me a copy of it. Hence, if anyone knows his contact information, or alternately, anyone has a copy of the lecture, I would be much obliged if you could provide me either the contact information or a copy of this unpublished lecture. 
Thank you very much in advance.

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