a question about British English from an American translator

Andrea Gregovich agregovich at GMAIL.COM
Fri Mar 22 00:42:20 UTC 2013

Thank you everyone! I've got several options now.

On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 10:41 AM, Andrea Gregovich <agregovich at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello Colleagues!
> I'm translating a passage in which the Russian narrator is describing his
> trip to England.  I'm wondering about the best way to describe what's going
> on in this passage:
> Автобус тронулся, долго пробирался по узким улицам Оксфорда, а когда
> выехал на трассу, шел проливной дождь.
> The image is very clear to me, the long drive along the narrow city
> streets and then finally the exit from the city onto the трассу on the way
> back to London.  But it's been years since I've been on a bus from Oxford
> to London, and I'm drawing a blank on what this road would be called in
> British English and exactly what size of road it is on the way from Oxford
> to London.  In American English we would probably say, "when we finally got
> out on the highway" or "when we finally got on the freeway," depending on
> the size of the трасса in question.
> Thanks in advance for your input!
> Andrea Gregovich

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