Semyon: посмотреть ее

R. M. Cleminson rmcleminson at POST.SK
Sun Mar 24 19:34:15 UTC 2013

"Elena Ostrovskaya" <elena.ostrovskaya at GMAIL.COM> wrote:
Odoslané: nedeľa, 24. marec 2013 19:27:19
Predmet: Re: [SEELANGS] Semyon: посмотреть ее

Interesting question. My understanding of this phrase has always been that посмотреть ее = to check on her, hence the transitive verb. In terms of constructions, that is, посмотреть ее = посмотреть, как она, which is different from посмотреть на нее, of course. And to my ear, this particular use does not sound as Platonov's grammar twist, but as a use possible in colloquial Russian. Unfortunately, my quick dictionary search has not provided me with any examples of this use. 

My understanding exactly; I think it is a quite frequent usage in spoken Russian.  Anglice: "to see how she was doing".

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