Far Rainbows - Science Fiction Cinema conference in Oxford, April 12 2013

Muireann Maguire mm504 at CAM.AC.UK
Tue Mar 26 10:00:25 UTC 2013

Dear SEELANGers,

My co-organiser Andrei Rogatchevski and I extend a warm welcome to attend 
FAR RAINBOWS at Wadham College, Oxford, a one-day workshop on Soviet and 
Eastern European science-fiction cinema, with special emphasis on screen 
versions of sci-fi novels by the brothers Arkadii and Boris Strugatskii. 
The event starts from 9am on April 12 - which is, appropriately enough, 
Cosmonauts' Day.

Areas to be explored include intertextuality, representations of utopia and 
dystopia, auteur cinema versus Soviet censorship, how symbolism and meaning 
change between media (and over time), casting, and film theory. Confirmed 
panellists include Professor Yvonne Howell (Richmond), Henriette Cederlöf 
(Stockholm), Dr Andrei Rogatchevski (Glasgow), Dr Muireann Maguire 
(Oxford), Dr Sofya Khagi (Michigan), Dr Maria Engstrom (Dalarna), Dr Lars 
Kristensen (Skövde), and Dr Matthias Schwartz (Berlin). The keynote talk, 
on Tarkovskii's 'Stalker', will be delivered by Professor Howell.

If you plan to attend, or if you would like more information, please 
contact Muireann Maguire (muireann.maguire at mod_langs.ox.ac.uk) and Andrei 
Rogatchevski (Andrei.Rogatchevski at glasgow.ac.uk).

There will be a free screening (in Russian) of Grigorii Romanov's 1979 film 
The Dead Mountaineer Hotel (Otel U pogibshego al'pinista) at 4pm in Room 3 
of the Taylorian Institute, Oxford on April 11. All welcome.

Best wishes,

Dr Muireann Maguire                 Wadham College, Oxford

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