How to sell/downsize personal library?

Melissa T Smith mtsmith02 at YSU.EDU
Thu Jul 3 19:08:18 UTC 2014

Dear colleagues:

I'm interested in finding out what experience people have had with trying to "downsize" their libraries in retirement. I have only recently begun to sort books into categories, and of course all of them evoke various sentimental associations, so it's going to take a while, and I want them to find good homes, if possible. Now I'm at the stage of dealing with miscellaneous shelving, compounded by the fact that it has been a good ten years since I've been able to ascend easily to my second-floor home office.

Some of the categories I've been separating them into:

Russian-language textbooks
Exercise books on various topics (e.g. on verbs of motion)
Grammar reference works
(A host of such volumes were acquired in the USSR between 1974 and 1980)
Russian literary studies (including those used in graduate school proseminar, 1970's, e.g. "The Mirror and the Lamp")
Extensive research in Russian drama and theater in the 1980's and 90's, and women's writings.

 During the past 20 years I have foolishly offered to take things off the hands of retiring/retired colleagues, especially in the category of "classics of Antisoviet Studies." 
Books, in general, are losing some of their cache. However, I often see old copies of textbooks on "Amazon," and wonder how they got there.
And from time to time I have seen lists of books that have managed to succcessfully change  hands on this listserv.

Any advice would be appreciated.


Melissa Smith
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