How to sell/downsize personal library? (UNCLASSIFIED)

Liv Bliss bliss.mst at GMAIL.COM
Fri Jul 4 18:20:41 UTC 2014

For any books that might not end by being happily adopted out, there's always Better World Books (, which sells, donates, and (if all else fails) recycles books. They will send you a shipping label for batches of 3+ books and have drop boxes scattered here and there throughout the country.

I've bought from them often, painlessly, but haven't yet donated anything. Since my office steadfastly refuses to get any bigger, though, it's just a matter of time.

best to all

Liv Bliss
ATA-Certified Russian to English Translator
tel.: (928) 367 1615

We have to protect the forest to keep the unicorns alive
Timothy Westbrook: Project Runway, Season 12

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