Russian at ACTFL 2014: Program Now On-Line

Benjamin Rifkin rifkin at TCNJ.EDU
Tue Jul 8 00:23:13 UTC 2014

Dear SEELANGers:

The 2014 ACTFL Convention Program, to be held Nov. 21-23 in San Antonio (across the street from the hotel with the ASEEES conference) is now on line at this link:

There are 25 different Russian-related sessions, most of which have not been tagged as Russian-focused because the speakers have indicated that they are of interested for people teaching any language.

You can find the Russian-related sessions by searching the on-line programs with the names of these presenters (listed here in alphabetical order by first presenter):
Anderson, Cori; and Walsh, Irina
Bown, Jennifer; Brown, Tony; Eggington, William; and Talalakina, Ekaterina
Chevalier, Joan; and Carreira, Maria
Comer, WIlliam; and DeBenedette, Lynne
Dame, Matthew
Dame, Natalia
Evans-Romaine, Karen; Anishchenko, Valerie; Murphy, Dianna; and Jing-Schmidt, Zhuo
Garza, Thomas; and Rifkin, Benjamin
Gettys, Serafima; Bayona, Patricia; and Rodriguez, Rocio
Iepuri, Valentina; Sukholutskaya, Mara; and Makinina, Olga
Kagan, Olga; Carreira, Maria; and Chik, Claire
Klimanova, Liudmila
Livshin, Olga
Lyskovtseva, Olesia
Marshall, Camelot; Martin, Cynthia; Shuffelton, Jane; and Sandstrom, Betsy
Pichugin, Alexander
Spasova, Shannon; Baker, Anne; and Shanker, Sandhya
Tchastnykh, Valery; and Spasova, Shannon
Titus, Julia; and Rosset, Francoise
Tumarkin, Anna; Mikhailova, Julia; and Anderson, Cori
Weiner, Cori
Whaley, Michele; and Canion, Mira
Zheltoukhova, Svetlana

Please note that you cannot find the sessions in the on-line program by searching under Russian since many of the sessions are marked “of interest to people teaching any language.” 

In addition to these presentations, there will be publishers featuring Russian books, DVDs and other materials in the Exhibit Hall.  ACTR is sponsoring a Russian networking session one evening during the convention.

Of course, teachers of Russian at any level will find many more sessions of interest in addition to the ones listed here.  You can browse the on-line program to find the sessions that are of greatest interest to you.

You can see more information about the ACTFL Convention and register for the convention or reserve a hotel room by accessing information at this website:

The 2014 ACTFL Convention promises to be a very enriching professional development opportunity for teachers of Russian at all levels.


Ben Rifkin
The College of New Jersey
Member, ACTFL Board of Directors

PS if you are a Russianist giving a presentation at ACTFL and your name is not on this list, please contact me off-list.

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