KinoKultura 45

Birgit Beumers birgitbeumers at YAHOO.CO.UK
Wed Jul 9 21:19:48 UTC 2014

KinoKultura is happy to announce the launch of the July issue 2014 with the following content:

Festival Reports:
Mihaela Mihailova: “Golden Kuker: More Animated than Ever”
Birgit Beumers: "Prize-less Suzdal" (19th Open Russian Animation Festival)

Birgit Beumers: "I don’t see myself as imposing a story..." Interview with Saodat Ismailova

*Film Reviews*
Richard Ayoade: The Double by Connor Doak
Nurbek Egen: The Shaft by Margarita Levantovskaya
Levan Gabridze, Aleksandr Karpilovskii, Dmitrii Kiselev, Aleksandr Kott, Anton Meredichev, Ekaterina Telegina, Zaur Zaseev: Yolki 3 by Beach Gray
Ol’ga Kaptur: The Land of Good Kids by Erin Alpert
Zhora Kryzhovnikov: Kiss Them All! by Greg Dolgopolov
Akhtem Seitablaev: Khaitarma (UKR) by Chip Crane
Viktor Shamirov: This is What Happens to Me by Olia Kim
Anna Tchernakova [Chernakova]: Dog’s Paradise by Irene Ulman
Ekaterina Telegina: The Habit of Breaking Up by Holly Myers

Vladlen Barbe: The Seal of King Solomon (anim.) by Mieka Erley
Georgii Gitis, Viacheslav Plotnikov: How to Catch the Firebird’s Feather (anim.) by Laura Pontieri
Vladimir Toropchin: Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf 2 (anim.) by Natalie Kononenko

Mantas Kvedaravičius: Barzakh (doc) by Oksana Sarkisova,
Alena Polunina: Nepal Forever (doc) by Meghan Vicks
Dominik Spritzendorfer, Elena Tikhonova: Elektro Moskva (doc) by Lars Kristensen
Aleksei Zhidriakov, Denis Klebleev, Dmitrii Kubasov, Askol'd Kurov, Nadezhda Leont'eva, Anna Moiseenko, Madina Mustafina, Zosia Rodkevich, Anton Seregin, Elena Khoreva: Winter, Go Away (doc) by Andrew Chapman

Central Asia
Ruslan Akun: Herding (short, KYR) by Gul’bara Tolomushova
Serik Aprymov: Little Brother (KAZ) by Vitaly Chernetsky
Emir Baigazin: Harmony Lessons (KAZ) by Tatiana Filimonova
Saodat Ismailova: 40 Days of Silence (UZB/TAJ) by Birgit Beumers 

Wishing you a happy summer, 
Your KiKu editorial team

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