" слизано"

Mikhail Lipyanskiy mlermontov at RCN.COM
Fri Jul 18 17:40:24 UTC 2014

I think the context would help as well - here it is:


Ордер 01


Сорок тысяч в шеренгу.

Смирно: глаза на манометр - впаять.


Проверка линии - залп.

Выстрел вдоль линии.

Снарядополет - десять миллиметров от лбов.

Тридцать лбов слизано, - люди в брак.

Тысяча А - к востоку.

Колонна 10 - на запад.

Двадцать тысяч, - замри. 






From: SEELANGS: Slavic & East European Languages and Literatures list [mailto:SEELANGS at LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf Of Ksenia Adamovitch
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2014 12:57 PM
Subject: Re: [SEELANGS] "слизано"


I don't have the full context here, so basing this on just that line, but my assumption would be that it has nothing to do with the forehead - лоб is another word for person. I would interpret it as, 30 people were stolen and reported as defective. 
If he does talk about actual body parts (not familiar with this work), I would still say that слизано would mean, stolen and reported as defective. It was/is a relatively common factory practice. 


On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 12:31 PM, R. M. Cleminson <rmcleminson at post.sk> wrote:

If one looks at the complete poem, one sees that the bullet is supposed to pass 10 mm. from the foreheads, and the thirty which are rejected are evidently those where it has not done so?  So what has it done to them?  Grazed them?  (If so, this might be an acceptable translation.)  Or more serious damage?  (Given that слизать generally implies the complete removal of whatever is слизано, this may well be the case, and would certainly require their rejection.)  Only Gastev really knows.  There is no way of checking by objective criteria: with this sort of text one just has to make up one's mind and hope for the best.

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