Ages in Divisions of the Page Corps?

Margaret Samu margaret.samu at GMAIL.COM
Mon Jul 21 20:17:13 UTC 2014

Dear Colleagues,

What were the ages of the boys in the various divisions of the Page Corps
before the 1860s reforms? I'm reading the memoirs of a former page from the
1810s and am having trouble getting a sense of his age when he was in the
4th division. 14? 11? --?

It's not clear from the memoir how many divisions there were, at what age
they entered, or how the divisions corresponded to their ages. Of course
class placements may not have been as systematic as they were later.

Any information would be most welcome.

Best regards,

Margaret Samu
SHERA President

Recently published:
Rosalind P. Blakesley and Margaret Samu, eds., *From Realism to the Silver
Age: New Studies in Russian Artistic Culture* (Northern Illinois University
Press, 2014).

Art History Department
Stern College for Women
245 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY  10016

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