Malevich and the word "sputnik"

Alexandra Smith Alexandra.Smith at ED.AC.UK
Fri Jul 25 10:32:16 UTC 2014

Dear Robert,

According to one interview with Salakhutdinov (published in one of the  
issues of Ogonek in 2001), the first satellite was invented in 1946 by  
a German rocket engineer Wernher Magnus Maximilian, Freiherr von  
Braun.The interview is located here:

The Wikipedia article on Braun also states that: "American authorities  
then chose to utilize von Braun and his German team's experience with  
missiles to create an orbital launch vehicle, Wernher von Braun had  
originally proposed in 1954 but had been denied." The latter refers to  
Matthew Brzezinski's book Red Moon Rising: Sputnik and the Hidden  
Rivalries that Ignited the Space Age (2007).

One article on Malevich published by Moskovskii Komsomolets describes  
his ideas about cosmos and states that Malevich invented the word  
"sputnik" and designed a few floating homes/stations:

This article on Malevich links Malevich's interest in space  
exploration both to Russian cosmism and to Russian theosophy:

Yurii Linnik's book "Russkij kosmizm i russkij avangard" (1995)  
contains a chapter on Malevich.

All best,
Sasha Smith

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