Invitation for nominations (AATSEEL awards): deadline 15 September

Nancy Condee condee at PITT.EDU
Tue Jul 29 17:27:22 UTC 2014

Dear colleagues,


As Past President of AATSEEL (2013-14),  I am happy to invite AATSEEL
nominations in the following five award categories:

1.       Excellence in Teaching (Secondary);

2.       Excellence in Teaching (Post-Secondary);

3.       Distinguished Service to AATSEEL;

4.       Outstanding Contribution to the Profession;

5.       Outstanding Contribution to Scholarship.


Is there a colleague who has made a major impact on your research, teaching,
or participation in the profession?  Someone who has made a major
contribution to AATSEEL over the years?  A teacher who had a strong
influence on you during your student years?  A departmental colleague whose
contribution has been invaluable?  Now is a moment when you could propose
that person for an AATSEEL award.


If you would like to nominate someone, please take the following two steps
by 15 September 2014:

1.       Check to determine
whether your candidate has already won *in that category*;

2.       Send 5 things *off list* to condee at by 15/IX-14:
nomination, affiliation, email, prize category; testimonial/rationale.


The candidate must be a member of AATSEEL to accept the award.  We encourage
recipients to be present at the award ceremony (January 8-11, 2015 at the
Renaissance Harbourside in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada).


We welcome nominations in smaller fields, international nominations, and
other perceived professional lacunae.   I look forward to your nominations.


Best wishes, 


Nancy Condee 

AATSEEL Past President (2013-2014)


Prof. N. Condee, Director
Global Studies Center (NRC Title VI)
University Center for International Studies
University of Pittsburgh
4103 Wesley W. Posvar Hall
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
+1 412-363-7180
condee at


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