Chertkov's Posrednik, but now Moskovskij komsomolec

John Dunn John.Dunn at GLASGOW.AC.UK
Wed Jul 30 09:49:02 UTC 2014

This question reminds of discussions in the 1990s about whether MK should be described as a tabloid or not.  But with all due respect, the question as posed is unanswerable, since terms such as 'yellow press' and 'yellow journalism' are judgemental, rather than descriptive: if you don't like MK, you might describe it as part of the 'yellow press', but if you do like it, you will probably prefer a different term.  I suspect that MK is hard to categorise, especially if you are used to a system where there is a sharp divide between the serious and the popular press, or where the popular press, as such, does not exist; for me the closest comparison would be with the 'old-style' Daily Mail or Daily/Sunday Express of the pre-war or early post-war periods (which only the most severe of judges would describe as being 'the yellow press'), but I accept that this comparison is not much use for most readers of this list.

I'm afraid I don't know of any site that would meet Linda Knox's requirements.  The lists that I know of (there used to a good one on the site tend to categorise by platform or periodicity, rather than by content type.

John Dunn.
From: SEELANGS: Slavic & East European Languages and Literatures list [SEELANGS at LISTSERV.UA.EDU] on behalf of Linda Knox [lindaknoxl at HOTMAIL.COM]
Sent: 29 July 2014 22:30
Subject: Re: [SEELANGS] Chertkov's Posrednik

I am just wondering.

1.       Is “Moskovskii komsomolets” considered a “yellow journalism” pub by Russians?

2.       Does anyone know of a site that lists “yellow press” publications in Russia?

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