Linguistic consultation

Natalia Pylypiuk natalia.pylypiuk at UALBERTA.CA
Thu Jul 31 20:30:38 UTC 2014

Dear Colleagues,

Would the linguists among you recommend a good History of the Russian (Literary) Language, preferably in Russian and written for the non-linguist?
An engineer has turned to me, asking whether there are any other Slavic languages, which are as "uncontaminated by foreign influences" as the Russian language is.

The manner in which he has framed the question suggests that he has no training in linguistics and does not understand that languages develop in contact with other languages.
But I would rather direct him to a solid monograph, albeit if written for a popular audience.

Many thanks,

Natalia Pylypiuk, PhD, Professor
Ukrainian Culture, Language & Literature Program
[ ] 
Modern Languages & Cultural Studies, University of Alberta

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