Tenure-track position at Davidson College

Ewington, Amanda amewington at DAVIDSON.EDU
Thu Jul 31 22:20:23 UTC 2014

Please see below the job posting for a tenure-track position at Davidson College.

Assistant Professor of Russian Studies (Tenure-Track), Davidson College - Davidson, NC

The Russian Studies Department at Davidson College, a highly-selective, small liberal arts college near Charlotte, North Carolina, invites applications for a tenure-track position in Russian Studies, beginning August 1, 2015 (Ph.D. in hand by 31 July 2015). We seek a gifted language instructor with an active and promising research agenda, a commitment to mentoring undergraduate students, and enthusiasm for supporting the growth of Russian Studies on campus as well as ongoing transdisciplinary collaboration with Davidson's programs in Theatre, Global Literary Theory, and Writing. Teaching load is 4 courses in the first year, 5 courses annually thereafter, including one first-year seminar in the Writing Program. Area of specialization is open. Native or near-native proficiency in Russian is required.

To apply, please visit  jobs.davidson.edu<applewebdata://F41C9789-30D7-4602-8F13-053250BD396C/jobs.davidson.edu> to submit a cover letter, c.v., copy of your graduate school transcript, statement of teaching philosophy, writing sample, and the names and contact information for three references who have agreed to provide letters of recommendation.

Completed applications received by October 10th will be guaranteed full consideration. We will be conducting interviews at the ASEEES meeting in San Antonio in November.

Davidson is strongly committed to achieving excellence and cultural diversity, and welcomes applications from women, members of minority groups, and others who would bring additional dimensions to the college's mission.

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