Job Announcement: University of St Andrews, Lectureship (Assistant Professorship) in Russian.

Emily Finer ef50 at ST-ANDREWS.AC.UK
Thu Mar 6 16:53:54 UTC 2014

Lectureship (Assistant Professorship) in Russian - SB4786
School of Modern Languages, University of St Andrews, Scotland.
Salary: £37,756-£46,400 per annum,
Start: 1 August 2014 or as soon as possible thereafter

The School of Modern Languages is seeking to appoint to a Lectureship in Russian from 1 August 2014 or as soon as possible thereafter.  You will be expected to hold a PhD, and should possess native or near-native language skills in Russian and English. Applications are invited from candidates with a specialist interest in any area of Russian literature and culture.

Further detailed information about the School of Modern Languages can be found at

Informal enquiries can be made to Dr Claire Whitehead, Head of Russian, e-mail:cew12 at<mailto:cew12 at>, tel 01334 462952, and/or Professor Will Fowler, Head of School of Modern Languages, e-mail:  langshos at<mailto:langshos at>, tel. 01334 462964

Please quote ref:  SB4786

Closing Date:  21 March 2014

Further Particulars:  SB4786AC FPs.doc<>

Dr Emily Finer
University Lecturer in Russian & Comparative Literature
Degree Convenor in Comparative Literature
Deputy Director of the Institute for Contemporary and Comparative Literature
Admissions Officer School of Modern Languages
Buchanan Building, Union St, St Andrews, Fife, Scotland KY16 9PH
ef50 at; +44 (0)1334 463648.

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