ASU Summer Language and Study-Abroad Programs

Kathleen Evans-Romaine Kathleen.Evans-Romaine at ASU.EDU
Tue Mar 11 18:21:11 UTC 2014

The Arizona State University Critical Languages Institute is still accepting applications for its 2014 summer language programs in the U.S. and abroad.  Programs feature 2 months of intensive study on the ASU campus with an optional 1 month study abroad, for 8-13 academic credits. CLI charges a flat fee of $960, plus study-abroad fees for students who opt to join overseas programs.

Scholarships are available for students of Polish and Macedonian. See for details.

Sessions at ASU lay the groundwork for overseas study, emphasizing communicative skills while providing the structural framework students need to maximize their language gains when they go abroad. There is a heavy emphasis on authentic materials, interaction with native speakers students will meet when they go abroad, and language-learning "tips and tricks." The program also features cultural programming, career mentoring and grant-writing workshops, and extensive feedback on student progress throughout the summer.

Sessions abroad build on the foundation laid in Arizona, reviewing the material covered there, but with a much heavier emphasis on vocabulary-building and culturally appropriate speech patterns and behavior. A hallmark of most CLI programs is extensive one-on-one peer-mediated extramural programming that is integrated into the academic program.

For details on any particular program or for application forms, see:




 -   Albanian                             (ASU + Tirana)

 -   Armenian                           (ASU + Yerevan)

 -   Advanced Armenian          (8 weeks in Yerevan)

 -   Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian   (ASU + Sarajevo)

 -   Modern Hebrew                 (ASU only)

 -   Macedonian                        (ASU only; scholarships available)

 -   Persian                                (ASU + Samarqand)

 -   Polish                                 (ASU + Poznan; scholarships available)

 -   Russian                               (ASU only)

 -   Turkish                               (ASU + Ankara)

 -   Uzbek                                 (ASU + Samarqand)



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