FW: new resource on the crisis in Ukraine

June P. Farris jpf3 at UCHICAGO.EDU
Wed Mar 12 13:13:49 UTC 2014

One of my library colleagues UCL forwarded this link to a very fine web site on the Ukrainian crisis that they've compiled and which might be helpful to some of you and your students.
June Farris

June Pachuta Farris
Bibliographer for Slavic, E. European & Eurasian Studies
Bibliographer for General Linguistics
University of Chicago Library
Room 263 Regenstein Library
University of Chicago
1100 E. 57th Street
Chicago, IL  60637
1-773-702-8456 (phone)
1-773-702-6623 (fax)
Jpf3 at uchicago.edu<mailto:Jpf3 at uchicago.edu>

Throughout the current crisis in Ukraine library staff at the UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies Library have been collecting links to important primary sources, putting them out on our twitter account ( twitter.com/UCLSSEESLibrary ) and then collecting them on a dedicated webpage. You can find this newly created collection of electronic resources here:


All comments and suggestions for further content are very welcome. Do feel free to pass this message on to anyone who might be interested.

Lesley Pitman
Librarian and Director of Information Services, UCL SSEES Library
16 Taviton Street, London WC1H 0BW
Tel: +44 (0)207 679 8703, internal 28703
Email: l.pitman at ucl.ac.uk<mailto:l.pitman at ucl.ac.uk>
Twitter: @UCLSSEESLibrary

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