Unusual find: special issue of boundary 2 (Erjavec, Etkind, Andrukhovych, etc.)

Nancy Condee condee at PITT.EDU
Sun Mar 16 16:01:31 UTC 2014

Colleagues, I would like to call your attention to "Second-Hand Europe," a
terrific (and timely) special issue of the journal boundary2, edited by two
very smart people (Wlad Godzich, UC Santa Cruz; Anita Starosta, RISD).  It
contains contributions from Sasha Etkind and Aleš Erjavec, an excerpt from
Andrukhovych (translated by Vitay Chernetsky), and an interview with the
author.  For scholars of Central Europe or relative amateurs in Central
Europe (like me), it is an invaluable volume that might otherwise not cross
your radar screen: http://boundary2.dukejournals.org/content/current  


Best wishes, Nancy Condee

.         ==================================================================

Wlad Godzich.              Sekend-Hend Europe

Yuri Andrukhovych.      From Twelve Circles (translated by Vitaly

.         Anita Starosta.                     Imagine an Albanian Joyce: An
Interview with Yuri Andrukhovych

Aleš Erjavec.                 Eastern Europe, Art, and the Politics of

Miglena Nikolchina.       Inverted Forms and Heterotopian Homonymy:
Althusser, Mamardashvili, and the Problem of "Man"

Ivaylo Ditchev.              Spaces of Desire: Consumer Bound and Unbound

Anikó Imre.                  Postcolonial Media Studies in Postsocialist

Balázs Trencsényi.          Beyond Liminality? The Kulturkampf of the Early
2000s in East Central Europe

Alexander Etkind.          Post-Soviet Russia: The Land of the Oil Curse,
Pussy Riot, and Magical Historicism

Zhivka Valiavicharska.    History's Restless Ruins: On Socialist Public
Monuments in Postsocialist Bulgaria

Anita Starosta.              Perverse Tongues, Postsocialist Translations


Prof. N. Condee, Director
Global Studies Center (NRC Title VI)
University Center for International Studies
University of Pittsburgh
4103 Wesley W. Posvar Hall
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
+1 412-363-7180
condee at pitt.edu
 <http://www.ucis.pitt.edu/global> www.ucis.pitt.edu/global


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