Russian language book

Emily Saunders emilka at MAC.COM
Sat Mar 15 23:28:15 UTC 2014

Is this for a beginning class or an individual learner wishing to do self-study?  

If the latter, I tend to recommend either Teach Yourself Russian by Daphne M. West or Colloquial Russian by Svetlana le Fleming.  Both are British publications available on  They have sample dialogs, some cultural info, grammar explanations, and exercises with answers in the back.  Also you can purchase audio CD's separately.  They are far from perfect (somewhat dated texts, incomplete glossaries, and Colloquial Russian in particular moves through the material at a somewhat alarmingly fast pace), but for a non-academic learner they have the advantage of being compact, cheaper than a college textbook, and oriented towards "get around" language (ie. don't spend time discussing academic schedules and plans).  

Another resource I've found potentially useful for solo learner is  It has reasonably decent materials plus audio.  The alphabet page is truly fabulous for learning both print and cursive cyrillic (

Hope this is helpful!

Emily Saunders

On Mar 15, 2014, at 12:05 PM, Tanya Li wrote:

> Dear Seelanger's,
> Can anyone recomend a book ( possible to buy in US for English speakers) for beginners to study Russian?
> Thanks a lot!
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