CfP: Belarussian typograhies

Sandor Foldvari armastus at FREEMAIL.HU
Mon Mar 17 13:35:43 UTC 2014

 Dear Seelangers, A panel is being organised for The 4th International Congress of Belarusian Studies (3-5 October 2014, Kaunas, Lithuania), on the Belarussian typographies in 16-18 cc, mainly that in Suprasl'.A paper is already to be read on the question how the liturgical books were printed in Suprasl and other typographies could come to the Slavic Peoples settled in the Habsburg Empire in the 17-18 cc. (For the author found a complete example of the first book of the Suprasl Typography [Liturgikon] was held in Hungary). For a paper is to be read on the Slavic book-trade in the Habsburg Empire, further 2 papers should deal with other countries of Central Europe, e.g. the Polish Kingdom in 17-18 cc.Those are interested please mail me the name, place/institution and a tentative title of the paper.Full abstracts are not still required, at least one-sentence summary of the topic, and a link to the publications of the author(s).The deadline for the panel proposal is March 20, theref
 ore those interested are kindly asked to mail me before March 18th, 12 p.m. by NY time, please, alexfoldvari at gmail.comThose can deliver papers in Belarussian are especially encouraged.More info: Any message should be mailed to the address as follows alexfoldvari at (not to reply to this message). RegardsSandor Foldvari historian, linguist
Sandor Foldvari, research fellow; cell-phone +36-30-6709134 
Debrecen Univ. Baltic Studies; - home: H-2119 PECEL, P.O.B. 36.
alexfoldvari at
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