Melissa T Smith mtsmith02 at YSU.EDU
Thu Mar 20 19:35:15 UTC 2014


I received the following today from Kathryn Adams, the Protestant Campus Minister at Youngstown State University. Kathy has been taking volunteer trips orphanages in to Russia and Ukraine ever year or twice a year since 1998. Please contact her directly if you can help.

Melissa Smith

I need your help with something. I think you know that I have brought two Russian orphans to my area to receive prosthetic legs. They would come over every other year or so for adjustments to their legs. One of the orphans, Vlad, was in need of liners for his prosthetic legs. Before the days of Putin I sent liners to him in the mail and he received them. I sent them several months ago and Vlad never received them. I have since learned that Putin has stopped all mail from America destined for Russia. The mail from the USA is refused and discarded at customs. His liners are sitting in a pile somewhere and will never be delivered. I ordered another set of liners and now I need to send them with someone traveling to Moscow. This is the only possible way I can get them to Vlad. He is in pain and in desperate need of the liners. I will have the liners from the prosthetic specialist in 2 weeks. Do you know of anyone traveling to Russia who would be willing to take the liners with them and then deliver them to Moscow?
Thank you,
Kathryn Adams

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