Tolstoy Studies Journal

Donna Orwin donna.orwin at UTORONTO.CA
Fri Mar 21 18:53:58 UTC 2014

Dear Colleagues,

Below you will find the Table of Contents for the 2013 issue of Tolstoy Studies Journal, along with information about how to acquire it.  Congratulations to Editor Michael Denner for another outstanding job.

Best to all,

Donna Orwin


Tolstoy Studies Journal: Volume XXV: 2013

Genre and the Temptations of Narrative Desire in Kreutzer Sonata (Kate Holland)
Death by Inauthenticity: Heidegger’s Debt to Ivan Il’ich’s Fall (William Irwin)
Trauma, PTSD, and Recovery in War and Peace: The Case of Nikolai
Rostov (Gary Rosenshield)
Tolstoy’s Critique of Modernity in War and Peace: Intersections with
Foucault (Andreas Schönle)

+Research Notes+
Socratic and Kantian Ideas of Virtue in Anna Karenina (Alexandr Draganov)
“I am fond of the French and the Swedes…” Swedish visitors to Lev
Tolstoy (Ben Hellman)
“Though This Be Madness”: Sofia Tolstaya’s Second Response to Kreutzer
Sonata (Michael R. Katz)
Discussing Art in the Second Redaction of Resurrection (Inga Matveeva)
Tolstoy on Pogroms? (Inessa Medzhibovskaya)
Hemingway and Tolstoy (Sergei Shul’ts)

+Tolstoy Scholarship+
Annotated Bibliography: 2012-2013 (Joseph Schlegel, Irina Sizova)
Review: Anniversary Essays on Tolstoy (Jeff Love)
Review: Путешествие вглубь романа Лев Толстой: Анна Каренина (Kristina Toland)

+News of the Profession+
Galina Vasil’evna Alekseeva

+Subscription Information+
Please note that all prices are in US dollars.
     Institutions: $60.00
     Overseas Institutions: $65.00
     Individual: $35.00 (Special rate of $25 for ASEEES members)
     Overseas individual: $40.00
     Students, Emeriti: $20.00

For complete information:

Editorial policy: The Tolstoy Studies Journal is a refereed journal
and welcomes contributions on any topic relevant to Tolstoy
scholarship. In addition to articles, the Journal publishes review
articles, round-table discussions, news and events, notices of work in
progress, special reports, book reviews, and creative works. Book
reviews will normally be invited, but unsolicited reviews may be
considered. In the interest of attracting the widest readership
possible, the Journalpublishes manuscripts in English, with text in
other languages where necessary.

Donna Tussing Orwin, F.R.S.C., Professor of Russian and Chair
University of Toronto
Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
421 Alumni Hall
121 St. Joseph St.
Toronto, ON M5S 1J4
tel. 416-926-1300, ext. 3316
fax 416-926-2076

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