digital samizdat/steganography

Nafpaktitis, Margarita nafpaktitis at LIBRARY.UCLA.EDU
Mon Mar 24 15:28:11 UTC 2014

Dear Colleagues:

This seems like an innovative approach to smuggling “gay propaganda” into Russia. The book is edited by Masha Gessen and Joseph Huff-Hannon and available for purchase in English and for free download in Russian.  I’m not affiliated with the publisher or the editors in any way, just intrigued – and thought others might be, too.

"For a free copy of the Russian edition of “Gay Propaganda,” send a blank email to tseluyu at<mailto:tseluyu at>

There is a good chance that promoting or distributing Gay Propaganda: Russian Love Stories<> in Russia will get you into serious criminal trouble. You might not feel comfortable sending or receiving Gay Propaganda in your email.

To that end, we have also provided some ways to clandestinely spread information, using digital tools to create digital samizdat<>. Using these techniques, you can spread “gay propaganda” wirelessly without connecting to the internet, and also hide “gay propaganda” on your computer and in plain sight without drawing unwanted attention from the authorities.”


Margarita Nafpaktitis, Ph.D.
Librarian for Slavic & East European Studies and Linguistics | Instruction Coordinator
Collections, Research & Instructional Services | Charles E. Young Research Library | UCLA
A1540 Charles E. Young Research Library | Box 951575 | Los Angeles CA 90095-1575 | USA
office: 310-825-1639 | fax: 310-825-3777 | nafpaktitis at<mailto:nafpaktitis at> | @nafpaktitism

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