REEI Summer Russian Scholarship

Liverman, Emily SR eliverma at INDIANA.EDU
Wed Mar 26 14:51:45 UTC 2014

The Russian and East European Institute (REEI) of Indiana University announces the REEI Summer Russian Scholarship.
The REEI Summer Russian Scholarship is awarded on a competitive basis to applicants who meet the following criteria:

  1.  current enrollment in a full-time undergraduate degree program
  2.  current enrollment in a course of Russian language study at an institute of higher education
  3.  enrollment in an 8-week course of study in Russian at the Indiana University Summer Language Workshop in 2014
  4.  child of parents/guardians who have not received an education degree beyond a high school diploma or GED.
The scholarship will provide at least $2000 to be used for tuition, fees, or living expenses. The application is available online here<>.

Deadline for applications: April 15
Questions may be addressed to Mark Trotter at martrott at<mailto:martrott at>.

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