Translations of Belarusian poetry and prose

Curt Woolhiser cwoolhis at GMAIL.COM
Sun Mar 30 20:07:57 UTC 2014

Dear Colleagues:

A student of mine at Brandeis is currently interning with Asymptote, a new
international online journal of literary translation (, and would like to solicit English
translations of contemporary Belarusian poetry and prose for an upcoming
issue. Among the writers that would be of interest are the poets Ales'
Razanau, Andrei Khadanovich, Valzhyna Mort, Viktar Zhybul', Maryia
Martysevich, and Vera Burlak, and prose writers Adam Hliobus, Al'herd
Bakharevich, Ihar Babkou, Pavel Kastsiukievich, Viktar Martynovich, and
Artur Klinau (prose selections can include excerpts from longer works). If
you would like to contribute translations of these or other contemporary
Belarusian writers, please email Daniel Goulden at: dlcgoulden at

With best regards,

Curt Woolhiser


Curt F. Woolhiser

German, Russian and Asian Languages

and Literature

Brandeis University

415 South Street  MS-024

Waltham, MA 02454 USA

Tel. (781) 736-3200 <file://localhost/tel/%2528781%2529%20736-3200>

Fax (781) 736-3207 <file://localhost/tel/%2528781%2529%20736-3207>

Email: cwoolhis at


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