Deadline Extension: KU Summer Language Program in Zadar, Croatia

Dickey, Stephen McCartney smd at KU.EDU
Mon Mar 31 14:54:38 UTC 2014

The deadline for the KU Summer Language Program in Zadar, Croatia has been extended to 13 April, 2014:

The University of Kansas Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures and Office of Study Abroad offer students the opportunity to spend the summer in Zadar, Croatia, studying Croatian language and culture. The University of Kansas has more than 30 years of involvement in Croatian language programs.

According to our records, students from your university have recently studied abroad as a participant on one of KU’s Slavic language programs.  We believe it is an asset to each of our programs to have a diverse and well-rounded group of students, and we thank you for sending us such excellent students.  We hope to continue receiving your students in the future.

Our six-week program offers 140 contact hours of intermediate and advanced Croatian over a six-week period, and students earn six hours of credit upon successful completion of the program.  In addition to in-class language study, the program offers afternoon and evening programs that include lectures (in Croatian), films, and visits to museums. Cultural and sightseeing trips to local places of interest are planned for this year's program.  Zadar has many cultural sight-seeing opportunities and events in town.  There are three national parks near Zadar as well as natural parks and cultural sights.  Students have the option of taking boat trips to islands off the coast.  In addition to swimming and visiting the beaches, students can take part in various sports activities such as surfing, water-skiing, sailing, and scuba diving.

This program is open to undergraduate and graduate students.  A minimum of one year of Croatian language study is required, and the language of instruction is Croatian.

The program meets the requirements for Department of Education Foreign Language Area Studies (FLAS) fellowship funding.  Students interested in applying for KU FLAS funding should visit  Additionally, if you have an interested student who is applying for a FLAS award, please feel free to contact me for the specific program’s tuition/fee and room/board cost breakdown at justine at<mailto:justine at> or 785-864-3742.

For more detailed information regarding costs and dates, as well as to begin the online application, visit<>.

Stephen M. Dickey
Associate Professor
Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
University of Kansas
1445 Jayhawk Boulevard, Room 2128
Lawrence, KS 66045-7594, USA

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