Locative Postpositions

Ardis R Eschenberg are2 at acsu.buffalo.edu
Mon Nov 1 06:09:30 UTC 1999

> The double article dhaN ama is used in partitives.
> JOD1890:443.14  s^aaN'=ama e=d=e=di ama    dhaNz^a
>                 Sioux  the there are there though
> JOD1890:697.3   AN'phaN=wadaNbe=dhiNkhe e=d=e=di=   kki
>                 Elk-gazer       the     he is there whether
> All these constructions amount to:
> NP [article] e=d=e=di [article]
> (the NP) is there
>                     The articles agree, if both are present.  The final
Perhaps this is tangential, but...
I am pretty sure that 'ama' used there is not an article.  That is, ama
serves many functions: quotative, article and in presentative type
I believe that in the 1st construction above it is presentative (like the
akh-ama expressions I brought up at the last conference) or QUO and even
if labelled as 'article,' this would be a loose translation as here it is
in a predicative type role (or at least an auxiliary type role which is
where the articles came from).
The second ama might be similar to:
naN   ama kki, (s^i    agiahi-bi-ama)
Grown QUO when  (again came for him-pl-QUO)
When he was grown...(They came for him again).

This 'ama' has syntactic consequences that an article would not (as it is
a verbal operator).  Do you have other examples with articles other than
'ama' in these positions?  (i.e. maybe i am up the wrong tree).

Hey.  I also think it interesting that although xti seems to require
'do/use', xc^i does not.

egidhe    ppaze-xc^i kki...
at length dark-very when
'At length when it was very dark...'

Does anyone have a principle reason for this?
Anyway sorry if any of this was ignorant or too tangential I am nutso for
Dhegiha article/aux/verbs.

Happy all Saints/souls/halloween!,
Ardis Eschenberg
SUNY at Buffalo

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