
Ardis R Eschenberg are2 at
Thu Dec 20 07:58:01 UTC 2001

Omaha has many sets of sayings involving condition-consequence.  I feel
that they are more admonition than proverb & think that some may relate to
clan specific behavior.  I can't think of a very metaphorical one offhand
that would feel very proverb-y to me.  But, there are all sorts of
admonitions as to how to behave and the reason/consequence which I've
heard in Omaha and English translation.  Often, I am told them as my
grandmother said x because y.  They might be considered more like
folkbeliefs or taboos rather than proverbs.
Many are probably pan-Siouan (or even pan-Native American) such as taboos
against women touching food at their time of cycle.

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