h- vs. x-aspiration in LDN

RLR rankin at lark.cc.ukans.edu
Fri Feb 23 15:05:47 UTC 2001

> I've noticed a very "strong" aspiration, verging on x, in Ponca after t
> before low back vowels, for instance in the word for 'Arapaho':  maxpi'
> atHaN.  One speaker I work with says this means "standing on the clouds,"
> (verb tHaN).

For form I've heard is maxpi(dh)a tto 'blue clouds'. Looks like another
folk reanalysis. Someone should write a paper as there seems to be a
very productive folk etymology process among Siouan speakers.

> By the way, what is the etiquette when referring to speakers of a language
> we're studying?  Should we protect their privacy by not mentioning their
> names or should we give them credit for their valuable assistance?

Check, you may have signed one of those statements dreamed up by the
biohazard people that affirms you'll maintain their anonymity. Might not
hurt to get their OK certainly.


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