Box, 1000

Richard L. Dieterle Richard.L.Dieterle-1 at
Mon Mar 19 12:37:21 UTC 2001

Here is the relavent Wi material:

kokiz^aN	               one box; one thousand (dollars in a box) [Dorsey]
kog	                    box [Marino-Radin]
kogera (cogue-er-rah)	  trunk-chest, box [George]
kokera 	                box [Foster, Marino-Radin]
kokara	                 boxes [Dorsey]
kok	                    box [Dorsey from Longtail]
kok	                    box [vid. koc, to bundle?] [Marino-Radin]
kogowanana	             rolling box; barrel [cf. wan‰, to roll] [Marino-Radin]
kokawanana	             a barrel [Dorsey]
kokawaNnaNnaN 	         barrel [Foster]
kok'hoaris^	            hoop [Gatschet]

hoki-ihi	               one thousand [Gatschet]
okihi xatez^a	          one thousand [Gatschet]
okihiz^a	               one hundred [Gatschet]
okihiz^aN	              one hundred [Dorsey]

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