Number & Counting Comparisons in Dhegiha

Alan H. Hartley ahartley at
Fri Nov 16 02:17:10 UTC 2001

> there is a dispute about where the Angles
> came from I believe. A German friend of mine tells me that it is
> from an area west of Jutland with the name Engl- something to this
> day and that it is connected with the word  angle 'hook' and angling
> 'fishing'.  No Encyclopaedia I've looked at tells you this.

_Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology_ s.v. Angle:

< Latin Anglus (pl. Angli) < Germanic *ANgli (whence "English") the
people of the Angul district of Slesvig so called from its shape (mod.
Angeln) the same word as "angle" ['fishing hook'].


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