
Rankin, Robert L rankin at ku.edu
Mon Oct 1 19:39:20 UTC 2001

> Did you mean "non-ablauting -a stems", or did you mean to
> type "-e stems",
> in your reference to Dakotan?  There certainly seem to be plenty of
> non-ablauting -a stems in OP, notably gaNdha, "want, wish", and udha',
> "tell".

Sorry, I've gotten used to calling the Ablauting stems "e-stems". That's
what they all were historically and still are outside of Dakotan. Dakota
generalized the -a variant to all the verbs that originally ended in
unaccented -e, thus they have -a in Dakota but -e (or the local reflex of
it) everywhere else.  No verb that ends in -a in its unsuffixed form should
ever Ablaut in Dhegiha, only those ending in -e when unsuffixed.

Please give me a postal address and I'll send a copy of the Ablaut paper.


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