
Koontz John E John.Koontz at
Wed Aug 28 03:10:20 UTC 2002

On Tue, 27 Aug 2002, Koontz John E wrote:
> I've encountered 'deep furred/haired' somewhere else, too, I think in
> the Dorsey texts.  I believe hiN is 'fur' or 'body hair' (e.g., on a
> human).

hiN' s^ku'be 'thick feathers' (under the wing of an eagle) JOD 90:581:1-2
waiiN' s^ku'be 'thick robe' JOD 90:40-18
xa'de s^ku'be 'deep grass' JOD 90:58.13


uc^[h?]i'z^e s^u'ga 'dense thicket' JOD 90:38.14
wac^hi's^ka wiN s^u'ga=xti 'a very thick[ly wooded?] creek' JOD 90:149.10
ha' s^u'ga 'thick skin' JOD 90:235.19
xdhabe' s^uga'=xti 'thick[ly standing] trees' JOD 90:277.2

HiN' apparently also covers downy feathers as well as fur or body hair.


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