another Hocank/Helmbrecht article question

Koontz John E John.Koontz at
Wed Jul 17 15:45:52 UTC 2002


On Wed, 17 Jul 2002, Koontz John E wrote:
> ku'=niNk=(g)a, [hiaN'c^=ha=ra  ware=hu'= iNgigi'           ]=ra
> o grandmother   father  my DEF work come he made me his own  DEF
> tuuxu'ruk=    s^aNnaN.
> I finished it DEC
> Grandmother, I have finished the [work for which my father sent me here].

Note that the iNgigi enclitic is the reflexive possessive (or suus) of the
causative, which is what the gloss 'he made me his own' was intended to
convey.  However, better would have been 'he made me (his own)',
circumlocution due to Dorsey.  In other words, 'he made me, who am his
own'.  (Is that even grammatical!?)  'Me' belongs to (is kin to) 'he'.  I
hope people get the idea.


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