Andative: conclusion

Koontz John E John.Koontz at
Wed Jun 5 16:23:00 UTC 2002

On Wed, 5 Jun 2002, David Costa wrote:
> That's good enough for me, so I'm keeping the term.

If reduplicated, is the form molto andante, piu barbarosa?

Anyway, we can clearly make use of andative and ventitive in describing
some of the patterns of motion verb compounds in Mississippi Valley

I think Allan Taylor is on record somewhere as saying that he thought that
the term vertitive might be more properly versive in terms of Latin
derivational morphology.  Not that we need to "fix" it, but clearly
there's precedent for neologistic Latinisms.

Incidentally, the term vertitive was coined by Terry Kaufman and first
taken up by Bob Hollow in his 1965 Mandan dictionary, and then by Taylor
for Dakotan and other motion verbs (Taylor 1876:288).  This may be where
the comment on versive occurs, but I'm not sure.

Incidentally, the term second dative was invented by Dorsey (see the notes
in Dorsey 1885) and taken up by Boas and Deloria 1941.

I think David Rood concluded that Allan Taylor is the one who first
applied ablauting to Siouan final vowel alternations.

I'm not sure where the oft reviled expression locative originates.

I think "syncopating/ed" applied to the "irregular" or "second"
conjugations may be my fault.


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