
Louis Garcia Louis_Garcia at littlehoop.cc
Fri Dec 19 14:54:21 UTC 2003

The Dakota here at Spirit Lake Rez used the term. Heyoska as meaning a
member of the Grass Dance Society.
They used to sing many songs with Heyoska in the words.
The Arikara and Hidatsa at Ft. Berthold Rez still use some of these songs
that were taught by the tribal members from here in the last century.
The use of this term here has died out.
Some of the singers still remember my favorite song:
Heyoska wotape - the Feast Song.

I have spent years writing up a job description for each one of the officers
of the old Grass Dance Society.
I see a book was published last year "Dance Lodges of the Omaha People:
Building from memory" by mark Awakiuni-Swetland. New York: Routledge 2001.
Have you seen it? Is it any good?

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