Attn. Dhegiha specialists.

Rory M Larson rlarson at
Tue Jul 29 23:31:04 UTC 2003

Using the La Flesche dictionary, I'd parse it as follows:

KO-THA = Os. ko'dha = friend  (cf. L. khola')

U-CA-SHE = Os. u'gashe = ailment, not well

THI(n)-CE = Os. dhiN'ge = none  (OP same)

  u'gashe dhiNge = well, healthy, no interruption to the
                   enjoyment of good health

XTSI = Os. xtsi = verily, very (intensifying particle,
                                cf. OP =xti)

MO-NI = Os. moNni = you walk  (OP same)

KO(n)-ON-THA = Os., OP oNgoN'dha = we want
               (The oN-, 'we', affixed pronoun appears
                internally here, rather than in front.
                Is this normal for Kaw?)

I = OP =i, a pluralizer for the preceding 'we' in this case.

HA = OP =ha, an emphatic or declarative particle.

Translation:  Friend, we hope that you walk in very good health.

Thanks for sharing!  Now I'll check to see what Carolyn
has to say!


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