a wish?

Koontz John E John.Koontz at colorado.edu
Wed Jul 30 15:04:38 UTC 2003

On Wed, 30 Jul 2003, Carolyn Quintero wrote:

> I believe that rather than the "charge" interpretation based on LF 'menace,
> charge against', another reading is possible.  In instances where a doubly
> inflecting verb such as 'menace' is shown to be, if there is only one
> subject pronominal, it will be the left one, not the right one. And if there
> is only one object pronominal in such a verb, it will be the left one.
> Therefore this internal ON as either A1p or P1s does not seem at all likely.

As far as I know this principle is correct with respect to agent
pronominals in verbs like ...aN=...dha 'to discard' and ...gaN=...dha 'to
want'.  That is, the inclusive is aNgaNdha, though as Bob has observed in
the past, it might be difficult to know if it were aNgaN=aNdha, especially
if we're a bit slack about recognizing long vowels.

I'll look into this further.


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