Our wish

Rankin, Robert L rankin at ku.edu
Thu Jul 31 19:06:23 UTC 2003

I haven't checked Chiwere/Winnebago, but as far as I know only Dhegiha has
the *-ra part of 'want'.  The Dakotan cognate is just /kuN/ 'covet'.  It
isn't related to Omaha /egaN/, at least not the one used to signal anterior
aspect in series of VP's.  This latter is related to Dakotan /k?uN/ and
seems to be a definite article compounded with *?uN 'do, be'.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rory M Larson [mailto:rlarson at unlnotes.unl.edu]
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 12:01 PM
To: siouan at lists.colorado.edu
Subject: Re: Our wish

Thanks, John.  It looks like I was wrong in equating the
second syllable of /goN'dha/, etc., with the verb "think",
Os. /edhe/.  I'd like to clarify some of what you said:

> whereas 'to think' is *DEMONSTRATIVE=ye.

Did you mean =ye here, or =re?  I thought *r => Dh. [dh],
[y], etc., while *y => Dh. [zh].

> Basically, it's just a different stem, *ra ....
> The *ra stem only occurs, that I know of, in the
> compound *kuN=ra ....

So across all of Siouan, this *ra stem is known only in
Dhegihan *kuN=ra ?

> The kuN stem (the first part of *kuN=ra) is unique in
> Dhegiha in having a first person in k- (*h-kuN or *k-kuN)
> as opposed to the expected p-, as in ppaghe 'I make' <
> stem gaghe.

How many distinct *k- stems do we have?  Could it be that
when consonant clusters are reduced, *pku- => *kku-, while
*pka- => *ppa- ?  I.e., high, back vowels like velar stops,
while other vowels prefer labial stops?

> The *kuN (OP gaN) stem does compound with 'to think', too,
> but i haven't had time to look into the details yet.

In OP we have 1s /kkoNbdhe'goN/, "I sorta want", which is
recognized by our speakers, and 1s /kkoN ebdhe'goN/, "I wish",
which is not recognized by our speakers, but was present in
the 19th century.  OP "think" is /edhe'goN/, with 1s
/ebdhe'goN/.  I assume this derives from Dh. *edhe, "think",
+ OP =e'goN, "like that" or "sorta".  I don't know whether
the "sorta want" and the "wish" form paradigms are full or


                      Koontz John E

                      <John.Koontz at colorad        To:
siouan at lists.colorado.edu
                      o.edu>                      cc:

                      Sent by:                    Subject:  Re: Our wish

                      owner-siouan at lists.c


                      07/31/2003 09:59 AM

                      Please respond to


On Wed, 30 Jul 2003, Rory M Larson wrote:
> What I don't understand now is why the compound /koN'dha/
> form comes out as an -a stem.  Perhaps Bob or John can
> shed light on this.

Basically, it's just a different stem, *ra whereas 'to think' is
*DEMONSTRATIVE=ye.  The *ra stem only occurs, that I know of, in the
compound *kuN=ra (both parts inflected in Dhegiha).  The kuN stem (the
first part of *kuN=ra) is unique in Dhegiha in having a first person in k-
(*h-kuN or *k-kuN) as opposed to the expected p-, as in ppaghe 'I make' <
stem gaghe.

The *kuN (OP gaN) stem does compound with 'to think', too, but i haven't
had time to look into the details yet.

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