CSD (privately)

Wablenica wablenica at mail.ru
Sun Oct 5 13:14:35 UTC 2003

Hello John:

This is me, Connie from Moscow, if you forgot me.
I keep on learning LDN, together with Jan Ullrich (perhaps you know,
he is in IU with Parks and deMallie now) we are working on some joint
project aimed at presenting online dictionary, grammar and some text
corpus online.

We've converted in electronic format Riggs DED, Buechel LED,
Boas-Deloria DG, besides, Jan has lotsa texts himself.

Just as a sample of our work you can check the test page:
--where the access to Buechel dictionary database is provided.
(the link will exist for roughly a week, it is for our private testing).
There is a small bug in the search form: you should put a wildcard "%"
in the Lakota field in case you want to look in the English
definitions only, e.g.

Lakota word:   %
English definition: temple


The max. number of matching word entries is 25 for this page.
Our task is to merge the Buechel with Riggs, add more lexicon from the
texts, so the resulting database will be devoid of some traits of
separate sources, perhaps copyrighted.

Once you published the "raw" Bushotter Texts in the Siouanist List,
and I saved a copy for myself, converted it into "human" coding, so I
can make global search in the BO now (of course, there are many typos
in it, this is what Jan and David are coping with).

This preface is just to prove that I'm "a good boy" :-), I haven't
published BO online (as well as many texts that Jan shared with me) or
the Dorsey texts that you kindly sent me, etc.

During the years of Siouanist List existence I often hear about the
CSD and quite comprehend that it is a very valuable thing.

You once said that CSD is stored in the Unix format that is
incompatible with DOS/Win format, that's why it is unavailable. If
this problem is "for real", you can send me a small sample of it and
I'll try to convert it to DOS/Win format (I'm 99% certain that I can
do it).

Otherwise, I could suggest either to exchange with you - in this case
I'll need Jan's OK on the deal, or make some additional electronic
stuff - for example, I have a hard-copy of Osage dictionary
(Fletscher, iirc), so I could convert it to make "a good trade" :-).

Of course, if the only problem with CSD is its format, and the folks
in CU won't object, I could convert it to Win format and send you for
further distribution among Siouanist List members or whoever you think

And I would agree to any conditions of using and non-distribution of
CSD, e.g. printing a single hard copy with erasing the soft-copies

Toksha akhe

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