CSD (privately)

R. Rankin rankin at ku.edu
Tue Oct 7 14:42:02 UTC 2003

> > Many of the cognate sets were assembled during
the Summer of 1984 with
> > participation by the above four, plus John
Koontz, Paul Voorhis, Pat
> > Shaw, Willem DeReuse and I'm sure another one
or two that I'm
> > forgetting.

> Randy Graczyk, and briefly Allan Taylor, Josie
White Eagle, and Ray (?)
> Gordon that I can immediately recall.

Aaargh, sorry Randy!  You came to mind with the
others but my fingers didn't do the necessary
walking.  I had forgotten Ray Gordon, who came for
a few days.  Allan was mostly doing his fieldwork
on Plains Algonquian as I recall.  Ken Miner
contributed his Winnebago lexicon and Kathy Shea
her Catawba lexicon, but they were not physically
present.  The Workshop was funded by NSF, I
believe, and organized very successfully by David

> ... but I don't know that any recoding software
was ever created.

Wally Hooper has a conversion program that works
within IDD.  The particular ASCII/ANSI values can
be plugged in.

> > I don't think anyone minds giving people
access to information...
> I don't mind myself, but I think the actual,
senior participants - i.e.,
> not me - have to make that decision formally.

Agreed, but what we *really* need is to get it
published and maybe distribute the book along with
a CD.

> I could be wrong here, but I wonder if the IDD
has the right set of
> fields and/or subfields?  The general technology
would work, of course.

I looked at this problem last June, and the "other
dialects" or "other languages" field could be
used.  It's set up so you can specify any number
of other languages.  it would make very heavy use
of that one field, but it would work.  And there
are other fields for grammatical class, gloss,


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