Dorsey's Law

Nancy E Hall nancyh at
Mon Oct 13 14:24:01 UTC 2003

Miner's Hocank Lexicon contains the word [k'orok'oros] 'be hollow'. This
looks like a Dorsey's Law root in that it contains identical vowels
flanking a sonorant, and it behaves like a DL root in that it reduplicates
in its entirety. But while Miner 1979 lists [kr] among the clusters that
trigger DL, [k'r] is not mentioned. Similarly, the Lexicon contains
[haik'InI] 'stay to protect' ([I] = nasalized [i]). This is like a DL root
in that the vowel before the nasal is nasalized, but again it involves

Can anyone tell me if these are indeed cases of DL, and if so, is there
any other information on DL after [k']?


Nancy Hall
University of Haifa

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