
R. Rankin rankin at ku.edu
Wed Oct 29 00:08:27 UTC 2003

> I was recently asked an interesting question.
THe Hocank word for butterfly
> is :
> miNmiNke
> I know the Ojibwe word is:
> memengwaa
> The words are similar enough that I am leaning
toward the Alguonquian side
> for origin, but I wanted more input before I
could answer this question.

Bet you're right, and for the reason you state.
Quapaw is /tina/ and Osage (LaFlesche) /tsiaN/.
Kaw has taken the Proto-Dhegiha *tiraN and
remodeled it on the word for 'to fly', /giyaN/.
Ofo is /naN:phitka/, Biloxi is /apadenska/.
That's all I've got at present.  I sure folks can
give you Dakotan and some others, but, as you can
see, there's no uniformity across Siouan at
present and certainly no evidence for something
like the HC form in earlier stages of Siouan.


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