
Kathleen Shea kdshea at ku.edu
Wed Oct 29 02:21:55 UTC 2003

Oops!  I'm still mixing Net Siouan with the practical Ponca orthography.
'Hummingbird' is /wac^c^i'ninikka waz^iN'ga/.  I know that no one thinks
there's an aspirated voiced dental fricative in Ponca!  However, the word
for 'butterfly,' /wac^c^i'ninikka/, compared to /wac^hi'gaag^e/ 'to dance,'
does exemplify the phonemic contrast between /c^c^/ and /c^h/ in Ponca.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Kathleen Shea" <kdshea at KU.EDU>
To: <siouan at lists.colorado.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 7:14 PM
Subject: Re: butterfly

>Anyway, the Ponca word for 'butterfly' is wac^c^i'ninikka ('
> representing accent of the preceding syllable), and the word for
> 'hummingbird' is wac^c^i'ninikka wazhiN'ga (lit., 'butterfly bird'), by
> way.  This gives me a chance to correct myself since I remember that I got
> confused at the time and put the wrong spelling on the board at the
> leaving out a geminate or two.

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