
"Alfred W. Tüting" ti at
Fri Aug 6 07:18:01 UTC 2004

 > ah, like the old sense of German praechtig then.<<

 >> Prat(t) as an adj. meant 'cunning, astute' in Middle English. The
origin of prat 'backside' (first recorded in the 16c.) is unknown.<<<<

I don't think so: German _prächtig_ (praechtig) is related to _Pracht_
(pomp, glory, splendour etc.).

Pracht f. (< 8. Jhd.). Mhd. braht m. lf. 'Lärm, Geschrei' (clamour, hue
etc.), ahd. braht, as. braht m. from vd. * brahta-, along with ae.
bearhtm m., as. brahtum m. 'Lärm, Menge' (clamour, whooping etc., mass,
crowd). obviously cognate with l. suffragium n. 'Abstimmung, Beifall'
(vote, applause/acclamation) i.e. 'zustimmender Lärm'
(assenting/approving clamour).


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