Instrumentals (was Re: "vertitive" ...)

Rankin, Robert L rankin at
Fri Oct 8 16:38:03 UTC 2004

I'm glad someone is addressing one of my major annoyances.  How do I
talk about the prefixes pa-, na-, ya-, po-, ka-, yu-, etc. in the same
paragraph as the prefix i- on verbs??  I can't use 'instrumental' for
both, yet that is how many Siouanists have handled it in the past.  In
one paper I used 'instrumental' vs. 'instrumentive', (I'll let you guess
which was which) but I suspect that only confuses readers more.


> I've generally used 'means and manner' affixes for these, because
> their functions do blend this way. And they are not referential in the

> way that nouns in an instrumental case are.

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