
R. Rankin rankin at ku.edu
Tue Oct 12 22:25:02 UTC 2004

>  Another unpleasant consequence is that sooner or later you're asked to
complete or add to the language, . . . this can get tricky if two different
scholars are doing it.

I guess there are some advantages to being the *only* scholar working on the
languages I am.  :-)   That makes my word the "law".

Seriously though, the creation of modern vocabulary for things like computers,
cellphones, satellites, planes, etc. is an area in which students often enjoy
working.  Here is where I've actually been able to see some genuine interest in
derivational morphology, notably the instrumental prefixes.  If 'automobile' was
already "something that runs by pressing", then a computer could be "something
that runs by striking" with the ga- prefix.  Younger people can actually get
fired up about derivation this way.  Whatever works. . . .


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